First steps in LimouWEB

First login

Please follow the link (e.g. that you received by e-mail.
Log in with the registration credetials sent to you.

Change password

For security reasons, store your own secure password.
This is done in the user administration, which you can find in the sidebar on the left-hand side.
Click on the menu item „User„.

In the list of users, open the corresponding entry by clicking on the orange button with the pencil symbol.

Enter the new password in the input field and confirm the entry with „Save„.

Further information on user administration can be found following   this link.

Create vehicle categories

It is advisable to first define the desired vehicle categories, e.g:

  • Business Class Sedan
  • First Class Sedan
  • Executive Van
  • etc.

For further information please follow this link.

Create driver and vehicles

You can then create your own vehicles and drivers. If affiliates / suppliers have been entered via address management, you can also create the drivers and vehicles of affiliates / suppliers.

Information on vehicle management can be found following this link.
Information on driver management can be found following this link.

Create addresses (clients and affiliates/suppliers)

Clients and affiliates/suppliers are entered in the address management.

Follow this link for more information.


Please note:
In address management, a distinction is made between „clients“ and „affiliates“.
Only „affiliates“ can be assigned to bookings as executing suppliers. The assignment of drivers and vehicles is also only possible under the „affiliate“ address type.

The Google key

LimouWEB uses the Google Maps service for checking and completing address data for pickup and dropoff and for displaying the route on a map.

You need your own GoogleKey for this.
LimouWEB is delivered pre-installed with a GoogleKey that is only valid for a short period of time. Please generate your own GoogleKey promptly in order to be able to work smoothly.  

Please follow this link for more information.

Storing of credit card details

The monthly fees for using the software and the LimouCONNECT service will be charged to your credit card.
Enter your credit card details here.

You can also use the software without a credit card during the 30-day trial period.
You can only use the LimouCONNECT service after entering your credit card details.

To do this, click on the „+Adapt payment data“ button in the „License“ menu item.

Please follow this link for more information about LimouCONNECT.


You can find the driver app in the Playstore / Appstore under the exact search term „2Slimodriverapp„.

You will need your app code to log in to „2Slimoudriveapp“.
You will have received this by e-mail.
You assign the user name and password yourself in the driver administration.

You can find more information about the driver app following this link.


Bookings can now be entered via this menu item.

Please follow this link for more information.